Counselling Service
We provide individual counselling for children and adolescents via Telehealth. Telehealth appointments allow us the opportunity to support our community across Victoria. It is a privilege to support children and adolescents to develop the tools necessary to manage their emotions, navigate adversity and live a meaningful life.
Our psychologists provide a range of therapeutic services including support for:
Anxiety/Performance Anxiety
Social and Emotional Skills
Behaviour Challenges
Body Image
School Refusal
Grief and Loss
Coping Tools
Parenting Support
We charge per session (50 minutes). Please get in contact for further information regarding costs. Rebates may apply with a valid referral from your GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician. Medicare provide a rebate of $92.90 with a general psychologist through the provision of a mental health care plan.
Depending on your coverage, you may be able to access rebates from your private health insurance provider. Check with your health insurer for rebate details.